So many topics

There are so many topics that I really want to write about, maybe even topics that I need to write about to get them off of my chest.  Sadly, however, I always have to think about what I am writing about and who may be reading this blog.  Seems like you always have to worry about not hurting someone’s feelings, or making someone mad with what you say. We encourage our students to write about whatever is on their mind, assuring them that unless what they are talking about is harmful to them or others, what they write about is just between them and us, their teacher.  Maybe everyone should keep a private journal or diary where they can these thoughts without having to worry about who sees what you write and how that will affect them.


5 thoughts on “So many topics

  1. It is tricky, isn’t it? Putting things on the internets so permanent, and we have all heard cases where things that were said in writing (email, blogging, tweets) become serious issues when if they were merely said out loud to another person, they would have been no big deal. The rule I made for myself isl that if someone posting the opposite view would be something I did not want to see in this forum, it is probably not something that I should post. You might be right about keeping a private journal for anything else we want or need to say or work through. I wonder if the writing work would be as effective that way?

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  2. Yes! I know exactly what you mean! I’ve had to think long and hard about some of my topics to be sure that they were appropriate for the audience. You’ve got me wondering…what would be on your list of topics that you’d want to write about but haven’t? I’m also wondering if they’re the same as mine… 🙂 Thank you for sharing these honest thoughts!

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  3. So many topics! I’ve written and deleted, had a principal say “stop that”, and had my wife say “really” about different blogs I’ve written. I’ve only deleted one after posting, and made a big deal about it in the next post.

    But I keep writing, just like you have. 🙂

    Thank you for sharing with us.


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