Fully Vaccinated

As of Friday, 100 of our staff are now fully vaccinated with the rest to follow this coming Friday. I was so excited to be in the first round. I know that not everyone agrees with the shot and that is fine. I just want things to begin to return to normal. I want to see my students faces. I don’t want to have to be on Zoom at the same time that I am trying to teach in person.

After hearing everyone’s stories I had prepared myself to have complications and not feel well the next day. After round one, I had chills and a slight low grade fever 99.8. The chills lasted for a few hours and by the time I woke up the next day I was fine. Earlier this past week, I had my yearly physical and the receptionists were telling me how bad they felt less than 24 hours after the shot. I was prepared for a similar reaction this time around. Thankfully, the only problem I had was a slight soreness in my upper arm at the injection site.

As more and more people become vaccinated I am really hoping that we can begin to return to somewhat of a normal lifestyle. I miss people, I miss hugs, I miss having places to go, I miss teaching my students from the front of the room where I can see their faces and expressions.

I miss seeing my daughter’s concerts. I wrote about that earlier this past week. I miss traveling and getting to see new parts of the country.

What are you looking forward to the most?

3 thoughts on “Fully Vaccinated

  1. Hi, I liked reading your slice. It was like having a conversation. Your slice describes the universal feeling of happiness about vaccination but still waiting for more normal to return. I have had one shot and am anxious for my second, so I can sigh a big sigh of relief when I enter my school. I look forward to going into my parents’ home and spending time with them indoors…a meal, that’s what we love to do together. I miss browsing in shops. I miss having coffee with friends. I miss hugging too! We will get through this. So much patience is needed!

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  2. Reading you post makes me so jealous! My appointment for my first shot isn’t until late April, though most of my friends have already been vaccinated one way or another. I can’t bring myself to think too much past April–for fear of getting my hopes up too high!

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