A season of Lasts

My youngest daughter is performing this weekend in Thoroughly Modern Millie. She plays the Pearl Lady and is also a member of the ensemble and a featured dancer.  It seems like just yesterday our oldest daughter was born and we were eagerly looking forward to all of those first milestones. Now 24 1/2 years later we are experiencing many lasts.  I am not sad about it because I have truly enjoyed watching my daughters grow up and I am proud of the young women that they have become.  When our oldest was born it seemed like it would be such a long time until she was grown and then when her sister came along 6 years later we figured that it would take awhile for them to grow up.  No, now all of the sudden empty nest is staring us in the face.  I am not going to be sad or anything and I will embrace this new time in my life, but I can’t help but wonder what is it going to be like?

3 thoughts on “A season of Lasts

  1. Alas, I have been in your shoes. And now my girls are having children and I am watching them grow up too quickly. My grandson, the oldest of our five grandchildren, starts kindergarten this fall. I cannot believe he is the first to start those firsts! So, as our empty nest is filled now, with the flapping of new fledglings, I sit in amazement that we have come full circle. Congratulations on raising your children! I hope that Pearl Lady is outstanding!


  2. We are right there with you. Early this morning, our daughter got home from her senior trip and while she was gone, we visited the other daughter in Ames. Today, my wife and I talked about the little trip we can do this summer, to Boonville to pick up wine, to Madison to visit State Street, and on and on. One teacher told me empty nesting is something to welcomed as the reward for a job well done. I’m sure you again, we’ve worked hard to get here! 🙂

    Here’s to a Season of Lasts! 🙂


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