
Today was spent prepping for Easter. As I have never had to host a holiday ( or even plan one for my small family unit) I wasn’t sure what all needed to be done and have been planning and prepping for this for a couple of weeks.So much worry and concern about my menu.  Do I really need a large spread for just the four of us?  Ham, party potatoes, sweet and sour green beans, relish tray, strawberries, cheesecake for dessert, should I add a salad? Do we need to have bread?  I really don’t want to spend the day making my rolls, maybe I should cheat, how about a second vegetable, cheese and crackers to snack on after church until dinner is ready?

Then I decided I was going to use the good china.  I don’t believe that I have used this since before my youngest was born.  Pulled out the china and she wanted to know when and where I had gotten the new dishes.  If I am going to use the good china, I will need a new tablecloth and some fun springy napkins.  (Ok, I have wanted a nice spring tablecloth for a while now.) With the new tablecloth, I am convinced that I need a fun Easter centerpiece and also some fun things to dress up the table settings with.  Of course, that meant spending time in my craft room, making  a special bunny egg holder, a flower box for each child filled with candy and a special cone, filled with jelly beans for each child.

Maybe it would have been quicker, easier, and cheaper to just go to my in-laws house this year or back to my Mom’s house with my brother and sister.

But then we would never have gotten to make the memories that will be made tomorrow.


6 thoughts on “Preparations

  1. It’s funny how a holiday dinner can spiral out of control!! However, you will remember forever the memories you make with your family tomorrow. I hope everything is perfect!!!


  2. So proud of you for taking this on an adding special touches. I’m good at going to the relatives and bringing a great dish so I don’t have to do all the work…this will be so worth it. Good luck.


  3. Sounds like you really got caught up in the spirit of things! I resist for a while; then I just jump in. You’ll feel so good about yourself and all your efforts when you see how much everyone enjoys all the extras you’ve so lovingly provided. Enjoy!


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